Visit Coaching Program

The Visit Coaching Program we provide is an invaluable service that goes beyond transportation and supervised visits.

Its primary focus is to offer comprehensive support to both children in placement and their families, aiming to help them cope with separation, promote safe reunification, and foster positive parental skills and behaviour. Operating under child welfare principles, the program strives to create a nurturing environment for the children while ensuring their well-being.

The key components of the program are as follows:

  • Facilitative Supervision of Visits:
    Using a “facilitative” approach, supervisors actively engage with family members during supervised visits, providing guidance and support to ensure constructive, safe, and nurturing interactions for the child.
  • Parenting Skills Education:
    Providing parents with education and training in parenting skills, equipping them with tools for better support and strengthening the foundation for reunification.
  • Coaching and Modeling of Appropriate Parental Behavior:
    Offering coaching and modelling sessions to parents, demonstrating appropriate parental behaviour and helping them understand its impact on their children’s well-being, encouraging positive parenting practices.
  • Pre-Visit and Post-Visit Coaching Sessions:
    Conduct pre-visit sessions to prepare parents and address concerns, and post-visit sessions for feedback and reflection to aid in understanding progress and areas for improvement.
  • Written Reports After Each Visit:
    Preparing written reports documenting observed interactions and dynamics during each supervised visit, valuable for case management and assessing reunification progress.
  • Court Testimony:
    Providing trained staff qualified to offer court testimony when needed, informing legal proceedings regarding the child’s placement and reunification plan.

Overall, the Visit Coaching Program plays a vital role in supporting families during challenging times, offering essential guidance and resources for the safe reunification of children with their parents or caregivers. Combining supervised visits with coaching and education, the program aims to promote a healthier family dynamic and improve the overall well-being of the children involved.


Information or Assistance?

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you or someone you know might be in need of our services.