About Us

We believe children love both parents irrespective of their circumstances and look forward to every opportunity to spend time with them.

Unfortunately, often court-ordered supervised visitation time is the only time children can spend with their beloved parents. Although the goal of supervised access can be multifaceted, we believe that the child’s safety and promoting healthy, age-appropriate interaction between parent and child should be the paramount focus of the supervised visitation time.

Our staff comes from various educational and professional backgrounds, such as social work, child and youth care, early childhood learning etc. They are skilled in guiding you with the best strategies to meet your child’s emotional needs in times of absolute crisis. Their only goal is to empower you to build a healthy foundation for a better tomorrow and bridge the mental and emotional gap between you and your child.

In my experience working with children and families, I have observed that a parent stripped of their parenting role is more likely to feel guilt and anger about being separated from their child. This feeling of helplessness, shame, and anguish present a challenge in achieving optimal positive time with the children during the visitation. Therefore, our visitation coaches work with a strength-based approach and provide you with much-needed parenting support during the visits. They help you cope with your feeling and be consistent with your visits.


Our mission is to bridge the gaps in community services by offering comprehensive programs that promote healing, growth, and independence. We are dedicated to fostering resilience, promoting self-advocacy, and championing the potential of every individual we serve.


Our vision is to create a society where every individual, regardless of their circumstances, has the opportunity to thrive and lead a fulfilling life. We envision a community where individuals and families have access to comprehensive support, resources, and opportunities that enable them to overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Through our unwavering commitment to excellence, collaboration, and innovation, we aspire to be a catalyst for positive change, breaking down barriers and building bridges toward a future filled with hope, resilience, and endless possibilities.

Asha Kumari, director and founder

Asha Kumari, MA, BAHSA, CCYCC


Asha (A.K.) is a dedicated professional with over a decade of experience in the child and youth care field in Alberta, Canada. As the founder of Bridgeway Connection Services, she is passionate about making a positive impact on families navigating challenging custody and access situations.

In addition to her work with Bridgeway Connection Services, Asha serves as an Administrative Reviewer for the Canadian Accreditation Council and as a Board Director for the Child and Youth Care Association of Alberta. With her educational background in Child and Youth Care and Human Services Administration, she has gained invaluable experience across various settings, including child protection intervention, youth work, family support, and foster care.

Asha has seen firsthand the profound effects of custody and access conflicts on children and youth, leading to emotional and psychological trauma. Through Bridgeway Connection Services, she is committed to giving back to the community by providing safe and supportive supervised visitation experiences that promote healing and reconnection for families in need.

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Information or Assistance?

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you or someone you know might be in need of our services.